As in previous years, EMMA Indonesia awarded EURO STAR certificates to workshops competing in the Master class and above that meet the minimum installation assessment requirements required by EMMA in accordance with the rulebook, and this program has been running for 4 years now.
EMMA Indonesia follows this idea because of discovering the interest of participants from year to year with a tendency to prefer non-installation classes, therefore through awards in the installation class class will spur workshops to compete in EMMA regular classes, and this program is quite successful because from so far done observations more and more participants are coming down in this class.
This kind of award is also the selling point of the workshop itself because they are able to show a prove that their workshop is in accordance with the installation standards required by EMMA.
To improve thisprogram in the future, EMMA Indonesia has a plan to certify workshops that have received the EURO STAR award for 3 consecutive years as EMMA certified workshops and we request permission to write your name and signature on the certificate stating that workshops that meet EMMA installation standards have met the eligibility as EMMA certified workshops.

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